August 15, 2023

Bakersfield College Foundation
Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 @ 4:00 PM
BC Campus Center, West Wing, 2nd Floor, Rm. 218
Present: Billie Jo Rice, Marko Zaninovich, Paul Pavletich, Steven Watkin
Absent: Derek Yurosek
Staff: Cheryl Scott, Kylee Gregory-Gutierrez, Susan Hubbell
Meeting Minutes
- Call to Order – Marko Zaninovich called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
- Roll Call – Kylee Gregory-Gutierrez took roll call and confirmed there was a quorum.
- Public Comments Statement – The public comments statement was read by Marko Zaninovich.There were no public comments received.
- Approval of Agenda – Motion – There were no amendments to the agenda. Billie Jo Rice motioned to approve the agenda. Paul Pavletich seconded. All were in favor, none opposed. The agenda for August 15, 2023, is APPROVED.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes from February 14, 2023 – Motion – There were no amendments to the meeting minutes. Billie Jo motioned to approve the meeting minutes. Steve Watkin seconded. All were in favor, none opposed. The meeting minutes for February 14, 2023, are APPROVED.
- Ratification of Actions Taken at February 14, 2023 Meeting – Motion – During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote participation without the usual posting requirements was permissible, but this authority is no longer available. The agenda for the February 14, 2023 meeting allowed for remote participation. In an abundance of caution, legal counsel has recommended taking action to ratify all actions taken at the February 14, 2023 meeting. Billie Jo motioned to ratify all actions. Paul seconded. All were in favor, none opposed. The ratification of actions taken at the February 14, 2023 meeting is APPROVED.
- Update on BC Foundation & Campus Events – Cheryl updated the committee on BC Foundation and campus events. The BC Alumni Hall of Fame netted approximately $20,000. It was explained that the profits are divided into 60% for the Foundation and 40% for the Alumni Association and scholarships. Marko suggested formalizing the distribution of profits for any events in the board policies. Billie Jo suggested flipping the profit percentages to the Foundation receiving 40% and scholarships receiving 60% to keep good community perception and transparency. Susan will research and reach out to the NCCCF for different approaches. Homecoming activities that are coming up include the Athletics Hall of Fame, Back to BC Golf Tournament, and Renegade Promenade: Alumni BBQ. There will be ribbon cuttings held for the new Renegade Pantry and Veterans Plaza that all board members are welcome to attend.
- Interim President’s Update – Interim President Watkin presented his report to the committee. He stated that the campus will be closed from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Opening Day to kick off the new academic year. Enrollment for first-time students is up 30%, which brings his focus on persistence and retention. One of President Watkin’s goals is to get more people to BC athletics games.
- Executive Director’s Report – Cheryl shared that the new Foundation Manager of Alumni & Donor Relations position will be effective this week. She has been meeting with community members, donors, and potential donors with President Watkin. Sterling Silver nominees are currently being considered for the dinner happening on March 16, 2024. Cheryl also shared about possibly starting an ad hoc committee for planned giving. The committee supported the idea. Cheryl gave an update on Measure J projects. The Delano Learning Center ribbon cutting will be held on September 19th. The Arvin campus is expected to open in the Fall of 2024. The new gymnasium will open in January 2025 and the agriculture building is currently being re-bid.
- Other Business / Adjournment of Meeting – With no other business brought forward, the meeting was adjourned at 5:28 p.m.