BC Employees


Requisition Forms

Follow the steps below to properly fill out a Requisition Form.

  1. Download the Bakersfield College Foundation Requisition Form.
  2. Save the form to your desktop for future use.
  3. Close the window/tab. Do not fill out the form online—it will create an error.
  4. Fill out the form using a PDF editor, such as Adobe Acrobat. All Bakersfield College computers should have Adobe Acrobat, if you do not, contact the IT Help Desk. Please refrain from hand-writing on the form.
  5. Submit the completed form, along with required backup, in one pdf file to BCFoundationAccounting@bakersfieldcollege.edu. (If you do not know how to combine multiple files into one file, please call Accounting in the BC Foundation office at extension 4845.)
  6. Upon receiving the documents via email, we will send you a confirmation number which will be your requisition number.
  7. Keep the original paperwork as your copy, do not send to the Foundation office.

Independent Contractor Forms (ICA’s & Short form presenter agreements)

Follow the steps below to properly fill out an Independent Contractor form:

  1. Download the ICA form and independent contractor checklist.
  2. Fill out all necessary information.
  3. Obtain contractor, initiator, and authorized signer of Foundation fund (dean/director) signatures.
  4. Attach the ICA Checklist with information filled out (Foundation will route for the HR signature).
  5. Include the contractor’s W-9 form, along with a Certificate of Insurance provided by the contractor with the requirements stated in #8 on page 2 of the ICA form. The General Release and Waiver of Liability form is only accepted in lieu of a Certificate of Insurance if the contractor is an individual/small business who may not have insurance that meets the requirements of the contract.
  6. Submit the ICA files in one pdf file to BCFoundationAccounting@bakersfieldcollege.edu.
  7. Foundation will route the ICA form for the Foundation Treasurer, HR Manager, and Executive Director signatures.
  8. Once the ICA is fully completed, Foundation will send a copy to the initial sender.

Follow the steps below to properly fill out a Short Form Presenter Agreement:

  1. Download the Short Form Presenter Agreement and the General Release & Waiver of Liability form.
  2. Fill out all necessary information.
  3. Include the presenter’s W-9 and the General Release and Waiver of Liability form.
  4. Obtain the presenter, initiator, and authorized signer of Foundation fund (dean/director) signatures.
  5. Submit the Short Form Presenter Agreement files in one pdf file to BCFoundationAccounting@bakersfieldcollege.edu.
  6. Foundation will route the agreement for the Foundation Treasurer, HR Manager, and Executive Director signatures.
  7. Once the agreement is fully completed, Foundation will send a copy to the initial sender.



The Renegade Innovation Fund is designed to support the amazing work happening on the BC Campus. This fund supports student activities, classroom equipment, travel, and much more. If you have an exciting and innovative idea that will benefit the mission of student success, we encourage you to submit a proposal.

Proposals are reviewed at each Foundation Board Meeting. However, once the funding has been allocated for the year, no additional grants will be made. We suggest submitting your proposal prior to the first Foundation Board Meeting of the Fiscal Year.

Download the Renegade Innovation Fund Application.


In 2005, the Lydia Jennings and Burns Finlinson Endowment Fund was established to honor their memory. The purpose of the endowment is to support at least one free-to-the-public event annually or biannually in the areas of music, art, dance, or drama. The fund currently generates approximately $10,000 a year. Faculty, departments, student groups, and individuals are encouraged to submit applications that will be evaluated by a faculty committee.

  • Applicants are responsible for submitting the purpose and intended audience for the event, a budget, a timeline, and approvals of their department chair, dean, and requisite VP, supporting their application
  • Proposals with a scope of a single event (one semester) to a series of events (up to two years) may be funded with commensurate dollar amounts up to $20,000
  • There will be two windows to apply:
    • Fall semester applications submitted for spring semester expenditures
    • Spring semester applications submitted for the following fall semester expenditures
  • Recipients of funds are responsible for all aspects of the event, including publicizing it, and are required to follow all applicable Foundation, College, and District policies
  • Recipients must file a timely summary report (within one month) of the event to the Foundation, including the number of people attending and any publications or press accompanying the event

Download the Finlinson Endowment Grant Application and submit it by the dates listed above for consideration.